
Pitfall of using gradle-cobertura-plugin in Travis-CI

(This post will soon be obsolete.)

In Travis-CI, oracle jdk version is 1.7 and gradle version is 1.6. That's ok. But using with gradle-cobertura-plugin, there is a problem.

gradle-cobertura-plugin 1.x only works with java 1.6 and below, so it doesn't work in Travis-CI because its oracle jdk is 1.7.

gradle-cobertura-plugin 2.x only works with gradle 1.7 and above, so it doesn't work in Travis-CI because its gradle is 1.6.

So if you want to use gradle-cobertura-plugin in Travis-CI, following .travis.yml trick will help:

# use Gradle 1.7 
- wget http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.7-bin.zip
- unzip gradle-1.7-bin.zip
- export GRADLE_HOME=$PWD/gradle-1.7
- export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

Add above lines to the .travis.yml and the build run with local gradle 1.7. So in this settings gradle-cobertura-plugin 2.x works fine with Travic-CI.

See example at https://github.com/kt3k/straw-android-plugin

Have a good test run!


Cutting out rounded rectangle from canvas in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can easily cut out rounded rectangle from existing canvas drawings, using the combination of the two technics; drawing a rounded rectangle and globalCompositionOperation = 'destination-in'.

First, you draw anything you want on any position of the canvas, then set the canvas context's globalCompositionOperation property to 'destination-in' and then fill rounded rectangle using above technic and you get rounded version of your image :)

The following function cut out rounded rectangle with given left, top, width and height and rounding radius on given canvas context.

var cutRoundedRect = function(ctx, radius, x, y, w, h) {
    var left = x;
    var top = y;
    var right = x + w;
    var bottom = y + h;

    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'black';

    ctx.moveTo(left + radius, top);
    ctx.lineTo(right - radius, top);
    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(right, top, right, top + radius);
    ctx.lineTo(right, bottom - radius);
    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(right, bottom, right - radius, bottom);
    ctx.lineTo(left + radius, bottom);
    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(left, bottom, left, bottom - radius);
    ctx.lineTo(left, top + radius);
    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(left, top, left + radius, top);


d3.js のスライド

About d3.js っていうスライドを作りました。

JavaScript の data visualization library d3.js の紹介です。


new and not new

x() instanceof x と new x() instanceof x を同時に満たすような x の作り方。

var x = (function () {
    var constructor = function (args) {
        /* constructor */

    /* other definitions */

    var exports = function (args) {
        return new constructor(args);

    constructor.prototype.constructor = exports;
    exports.prototype = constructor.prototype;

    return exports;

とやると、x() instanceof x && new x() instanceof x となる。

jQuery も似たような事やってる。https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/core.js